Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's Been A While

I know it's been a few weeks since I last let you know what we've been up to, and by all accounts, a lot has happened. I'd like to just recap everything for you and share a few pictures with you.

As you already know, we did make it down to southern California with all of our stuff. And, much of our time has been spent organizing and cleaning, going through our belongings and trying to anticipate what we'll need in Congo, and what we can let go of. At the same time, we've been visiting with Joy's family and friends, developing relationships, and re-kindling old ones. We haven't really been doing a whole lot of "work" in regards to MAF, although it comes up in just about every conversation we have. We've technically been "on vacation" for the past week or so, and we went out to the beach a few days ago. Here's a photo of Corona del Mar, it's my first panoramic shot that I've tried. I think it turned out OK. On Saturday, we're back to work and on our way to Phoenix, AZ, for several speaking engagements at churches and schools, as well as meetings with individuals. We're a little anxious to get back to work, but we've also really enjoyed our few days off. Over our little break we did get a few more partners that joined our team. Our monthly support is at 34% and our outgoing fund is now at 28%. Seems that slow but steady wins the race in our case. We're still trying to meet our goal of 60% by February 9th, so you can pray that if it's God's timing, He would provide for us! Pray again for our safe travel to Phoenix, and that we would continue to do our part in the process. Thanks again, and God bless!

Happy New Year!!

On Saturday, we're back to work

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