Monday, March 30, 2009

3/4 of the Way

We've reached 75% of our monthly support...only 25% to go in the next 3 weeks! Our outgoing fund is at 58%--things are finally moving again. We were a little worried the past few weeks, as we didn't really see any rise in our support. I tell you what, this sort of thing really puts you in a position that you have to trust God completely, because it's totally out of our hands!

In other news, we spent our Saturday at the beach with Rodney and Tammi Dyrud. They are a couple we met back in April at MAF when I was going through the technical evaluation. He was doing the same thing. Eventually, we both got accepted as missionaries, and even better, we both ended up getting assigned to east DRC! So we're going to be coworkers/neighbors/friends/family. So we figured we'd spend a little time with them before we get to Africa.

Joy is feeling better; the morning sickness seems to be subsiding a bit now. At least she's not sick all day, just in the evening now. Who would have figured you'd get morning sickness in the evening!? I guess there's a lot of things I will be learning in the near future!

Be praying for us--we've got a lot of traveling to do in the next few months, and a lot of things to accomplish. We're trying to be fully supported by the time we leave for MAF training in April. Thanks for praying and giving so far. It's always humbling to remember how many people are behind us, supporting us in so many different ways. Without you, we would not be able to go!

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