Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Back To Work

After a great week of vacation, it's back to work! My mom and my younger brother were able to come out here and visit for 7 days over spring break. We went all over, seeing the sights, driving around, hitting the tourist spots...most of them I haven't even been to. Here's a picture of me, Joy, and my mom with the Hollywood sign way in the background. We even got to witness some guy getting his star put into the sidewalk! We also took a day and went to a few different beaches in the area around Santa Monica Pier, and Huntington Beach. Underneath the pier, I found a little boy who thought it was great fun to pick all the mussels off the beams. It also made for a nice sunset picture. It's nice now that it stays light out for an extra hour. In Congo, it won't change at all, as we're so close to the equator. The sun will come up at 5am and go down at 5pm, and once it's gone, it gets dark real quick!

Our support is up to 73% right now, with our outgoing a little over 53%. We're trying to get everything in by April 20th when our orientation and training classes start. Otherwise, we will have to take 10 weeks off from support raising, complete the training, and resume our support raising after that...which we really don't want to do. Those 4 or 5 weeks are supposed to be when we pack our shipment for Africa and move to Canada for language school. And with Joy being pregnant, it will be really hard to raise support on top of all that's already going on! Even if you are unable to commit to our monthly support, you can still help by giving us referrals. You might not be able to help with our monthly support, but you may know someone who can! Let us know!

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