Saturday, January 10, 2009

Freeze Tag and Miniature Golf

We had quite a day today. It was our day off, and after lunch we went out to play miniature golf with the whole family. Here Joy putts and the family looks on...will it go in? For 17 holes Joy and I were tied; it all came down to the last hole. I went first and it took 2 tries to get the ball in the hole, and it took Joy 4. The reason I say this is because ever since I met Joy, she's beaten me over and over again. The first time we played, I thought, well, I'm a guy so I'll go easy on her and let her win the first time, but after the first hole, I knew I was playing against a professional. I tried my hardest but couldn't beat her, and I've been trying ever since!

After golf, we played outside for a couple hours, throwing airplanes and playing freeze tag. We tired ourselves out and decided to take a few photos for you to enjoy! Here's Mikey, Johnny, Joy, and me having fun in the yard.

Here are some more photos of the kids.

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